Project Lead the Way (PLTW)
The UTTUA is a Distinguished PLTW District - the only distinguished district in Texas and one of only twenty in the nation. PLTW is the nation's leading provider of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs. Through a world-class K-12 curriculum, PLTW helps students develop the skills needed to succeed in the global economy.
University Academy offers the following PLTW STEM programs:

PLTW Launch is our program for kindergarten through fifth grades. Students become problem solvers using structured approaches, like the engineering design process, and employ critical thinking.

PLTW Gateway to Technology provides engineering and biomedical science curriculum for middle school students that challenges, inspires, and offers schools variety and flexibility. Students get rigorous and relevant experiences through activity-, project-, and problem-based learning. They use industry-leading technology to solve problems while gaining skills in communication, collaboration, critical-thinking, and creativity.

PLTW Engineering is our high school engineering pathway. It is about applying engineering, science, math, and technology to solve complex, open-ended problems in a real-world context. Students focus on the process of defining and solving a problem. They learn how to apply STEM knowledge, skills, and habits of mind to make the world a better place through innovation.

PLTW Biomedical is our high school pathway that immerses students in activities like practicing suturing and constructing body structures from clay. PLTW Biomedical Science empowers students to build knowledge and skills in biomedical science, as well as in-demnd, transportable skills like problem solving, critical and creative thinking, communication, and collaboration.

PLTW Computer Science is a set of two foundation computer science courses for all High School students to assure computer literacy. PLTW Computer Science engages students in collaborative projects that help them develop in-demand computer science knowledge as well as tranportable skills like creative thinking and communication.